Ghirza: A Libyan Settlement In The Roman Period [PAPERBACK]

Ghirza: A Libyan Settlement In The Roman Period [PAPERBACK]


by O. Brogan and D. J. Smith.

ISBN: 9788022402347 | Published by: Society for Libyan Studies | Year of Publication: 1984 | Language: English 330p, 172 black and white plates.


Paperback: Members £11.25; Non-members £15.00 from Casemate UK

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O. Brogan and D. J. Smith. 1984.

This volume reports one of the most important sites in the Tripolitanian hinterland. It contains detailed studies of the many buildings of the settlement (including a pagan temple) and its cemeteries. Particular attention is devoted to the monumental tombs for which the site is justly famous. Specialists’ finds reports cover Roman pottery and lamps, coins, glass, Latin and Libyan inscriptions and altars, Islamic pottery, coins and mirror boxes, skeletal remains, wood and charcoal samples, botanical remains and textiles.

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