Libyan Studies – The Journal of the British Institute for Libyan and Northern African Studies (BILNAS).
Libyan Studies is the annual journal of record for BILNAS, published in November each year, and online through First View. Contributions are peer-reviewed and cover a broad range of subjects, including archaeology, ancient and Islamic history, geology, geography and social sciences. The articles will appeal to readers with an interest in the Middle East and Mediterranean worlds as well as North Africa.
The Editor is Dr Victoria Leitch but we invite Guest Editors, on an annual basis, to submit expressions of interest to help form specialized themed sections in the journal. Please contact Dr Leitch if you are interested in this role, with a suggested theme.
Libyan Studies is now published on behalf of BILNAS by Cambridge University Press (CUP). CUP provides digital access to the complete back catalogue of Journals from Volume 1 (1969) onwards. To view/download Libyan Studies articles on the Cambridge University Press (CUP) website, you will require your CUP login details.
The journal is classed as ‘Hybrid’ meaning that we accept articles for Gold Open Access if they come with an APC (Article Processing Fee). The Cambridge Open Equity Initiative (COEI) also funds Gold Open Access publishing of research articles for authors from over 100 low- and middle-income countries. Please consult the Cambridge University Press website for more information on Open Access policies.
If you would like to submit an article, you can contact the editor in the first instance, by email on [email protected]. If you would like to submit a book review, you should discuss this with the Book Reviews Editor, Dr Niccolò Mugnai, by email on [email protected]. Please be aware that we cannot accept unsolicited book reviews. All submissions however must be submitted on the Libyan Studies Cambridge Core website, where you will find author instructions in the Journal Information tab.
You will also need to read the Libyan Studies Journal Submissions Guide document which is also available here in French, or our Book Review Guidelines.