Christian Monuments Of Cyrenaica

Christian Monuments Of Cyrenaica


By B. Ward-Perkins and R. G. Goodchild

ISBN: 9781900971010 | Published by: Society for Libyan Studies | Series: Society for Libyan Studies Monograph | Volume: 4 | Year of Publication: 2003 | Language: English 462p, 376 figs, 2 maps


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B. Ward-Perkins and R. G. Goodchild planned a detailed account of late antique and early Byzantine Cyrenaica, but both died before it had been completed. Ward-Perkins’ descriptions of thirty-five churches were found among his papers along with professional architects’ drawings which he had commissioned and a collection of photographs for most of them. These are presented here along with an introductory account of relevant Libyan history, a summary overview of the Christian monuments concerned and a brief account of recent discoveries or reports of others found subsequently in the two ancient provinces of Libya Pentapolis and Libya Sicca.

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