This new edition of Operation Idris, with foreword by Saul Kelly, looks beneath the veneer of the British administration of eastern Libya (Cyrenaica) from the time that Rommel’s Africa Korps was driven out of North Africa by the Allied forces. Drawing on the diaries and memoir of his father, who served in the administration, Richard Synge provides the essential detail of Britain’s overall political strategy for the territory, which prioritised promoting the interests of the Sanussi brotherhood and its leader, Sayyid Mohammed Idris.
216x 140 mm, 248 pages, over 30 photographs
Publication date: 2021
ISBN 9781900971256
Paperback: Members £13.50; Non-members £18.00 from Casemate UK (Also available from Casemate USA)
e-Book: not currently available as Open Access; available via Casemate (£8.00)
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